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Meet our biggest characters: Mo, Pickle, Bob, Santi and Pam.
Mo is the sensible and submissive one out of the two. He is very sweet-natured and he loves to juggle!
Although she is very fond of Mo and you will often see her cuddling up to him, she is definitely the one who wears the trousers and is the boss. She is a sassy princess who is used to getting her way and always gets very excited when its food time.
Try and find this shy little guy! Bob spends most his time hiding amongst the bogwood and plants, but if you do manage to spot him, check out his cute little piggy nose! Fact: Pig-nosed turtles are completely aquatic – they have flippers to help them swim rather than claws like most other turtles.
Santi is officially the youngest of the colony and the most playful. She mostly loves chasing feathers, reflections, and shadows!
Pam loves attention from visitors and never stops smiling. She rivals Angelina Jolie with her enviable perfect pout! Remember to keep her happy and smile right back! Fact: When distressed pufferfish are known to inflate like a beach ball, increasing to 2/3 times their size, hence their name.
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